Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Study Finds That for Low Back Pain, Starting with Chiropractic Saves 40% on Care

Study Finds That for Low Back Pain, Starting with Chiropractic Saves 40% on Care
From the ACA's "Week in Review" of 11/12/10

A new study finds that care for low back pain initiated with a doctor of chiropractic (DC) saves 40 percent on health care costs when compared with care initiated through a medical doctor (MD), the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) announced today. The study, featuring data from 85,000 Blue Cross Blue Shield beneficiaries, concludes that insurance companies that restrict access to chiropractic care for low back pain treatment may inadvertently pay more for care than they would if they removed such restrictions.

Low back pain is a significant public health problem. Up to 85 percent of Americans have back pain at some point in their lives. In addition to its negative effects on employee productivity, back pain treatment accounts for about $50 billion annually in health care costs—making it one of the top 10 most costly conditions treated in the United States.

Published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), the new study, "Cost of Care for Common Back Pain Conditions Initiated With Chiropractic Doctor vs. Medical Doctor/Doctor of Osteopathy as First Physician: Experience of One Tennessee-Based General Health Insurer," looked at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee's intermediate and large group fully insured population over a two-year span. The insured study population had open access to MDs and DCs through self-referral, and there were no limits applied to the number of MD/DC visits allowed and no differences in co-pays.

Results show that paid costs for episodes of care initiated by a DC were almost 40 percent less than care initiated through an MD. After risk-adjusting each patient's costs, researchers still found significant savings in the chiropractic group. They estimated that allowing DC-initiated episodes of care would have led to an annual cost savings of $2.3 million for BCBS of Tennessee.

"As doctors of chiropractic, we know firsthand that our care often helps patients avoid or reduce more costly interventions such as drugs and surgery. This study supports what we see in our practices every day," said ACA President Rick McMichael, DC. "It also demonstrates the value of chiropractic care at a critical time, when our nation is attempting to reform its health care system and contain runaway costs."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Just for today....

  • Just for today, I will allow my real personality to just be, and accept myself as I am.
  • Just for today, I will listen to my intuition about what I really
    want in life, be OK with what I want, and not compare myself to others.
  • Just for today, I will adjust myself for what it is. I will face
    reality. I will try to change what I can, and accept those things I cannot change.
  • Just for today I will release judgments of others since I do not walk in their shoes.
  • Just for today, I will try to live through this day only, and not
    set far-reaching goals to try to overcome all my problems at once. I
    know I can do something for 12 hours that would appall me if I felt that
    I had to keep it up for a lifetime.
  • Just for today, I will try to be happy. Abraham Lincoln said, “Most
    folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” He was
    right. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. I will chase them
    out of my mind and replace them with happy thoughts.
  • Just for today, I will try to improve my mind. I will not be a
    mental loafer. I will force myself to read something that requires
    effort, thoughts, and concentration.
  • Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways: I will do a
    good deed for someone without letting them know it. (If they find out I
    did it, it won’t count). I will do at least two good things that I know I
    should do but have been putting off. I will not show anyone that my
    feelings are hurt. They may be hurt, but today I will not show it.
  • Just for today, I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can,
    dress becomingly, talk softly, act courteously, and speak ill of none.
    Just for today I will try to improve no one except myself.
  • Just for today I will have a program. I may not follow it exactly
    but I will have it, thereby saving myself from two pests: hurry and
  • Just for today I will have a quiet half hour to relax alone. During
    this time I will reflect on my behavior and will try to get a better
    perspective on my life.
  • Just for today I will be unafraid. I will gather the courage to do
    what is right and take the responsibility for my own actions. I will
    expect nothing from the world, but I will realize that as I give to the
    world, the world will give to me.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Research about Chiropractic and Health!

Here are a few recent articles and research studies that show alot of promise.


IN a recent BEST LIFE MAGAZINE ..ON THE TOPIC OF HYPERTENSION ...IT STATES "doctors at the university of Chicago found that chiropractic adjustment of the atlas/c-1, vertebrae relaxes the arteries at the base of the skull improving blood flow and RESULTING in an average 17 point drop in systolic blood pressure and an 8 point drop in diastolic blood pressure.

PART 2……..FROM A RECENT GOOD MEDICINE MAGAZINE "Chiro care may help fight oxidative stress in healthy people” Swedish researchers at the university of Lund found.

researchers compared people under regular CHIRO care for general wellness to pts w disease conditions such as diabetes cancer heart disease ...they found that blood levels of thiol, an antioxidant promoting DNA repair were three times higher in those pts undergoing CHIRO care for OVERALL HEALTH AND WELLNESS than in those pts with active diseases ..long term care was defined as reg CHIRO care.. longer than one year.







PART 3…..IN A RECENT MENS HEALTH MAGAZINE "instead of a flu shot try CHIRO care” vaccine shortage? no problem Recent study at Florida Atlantic university near west palm beach found that pts who underwent CHIRO adjustments had a 15% lower rate of the flu than people who didn’t get adjusted" end quote Victor Who is the author?? AUTHOR IS GORDON MCGUIRE ASSISTANT CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF PHARAMACY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CAL SAN DIEGO SKAGGS SCHOOL OF PHARMACY

PART 4……FROM A RECENT INNOVATIONS IN WELLNESS MEDICINE MAG "for more than 65 million Americans or about 20% of the adult population they have hypertension and most take drugs like diuretics beta blockers ..calcium channel blockers but medicine should not be the front line defense esp. when safer equally effective therapies exist one of these is chiropractic in this study...presented at a recent annual meeting on the American society of hypertension ..50 pts were divided into 2 groups and treated w either an adjustment if the upper cervical or placebo therapy.. modality etc. improvement was seen in the treatment group in just 3 weeks ..after 8 weeks the systolic pressure average less than 130 while the placebo group remained unchanged .

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Change your thoughts, Change your Life!

Try this Today!


Mark a "+" on your hand and for an entire 24 hour period, BE positive.

This means...

* No negative thoughts for an entire day. NOT ONE!
* No unkind comments
* No judgment
* No opinion stated internally or externally; even if someone asks for one.
* No worry, no self defeating, disempowering thoughts
* Stay away from "the news"; both on and offline.
* Excuse yourself from gossip or others' negative based chit chat


* Look for people to compliment
* Be as uplifting as possible; to yourself and everyone around you.
* Smile more often
* Be agreeable
* Be grateful and appreciative

Just one day.

It WILL be very difficult; you watch.

But, if you can do this for just one day, you WILL have a better day.

You will notice how pervasive negativity is and how it's been impacting your practice and your life. Why wait 'til January 1st to make some positive changes?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Flu Shot? You might do your own research first.

10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than a Flu!
Submitted by Buzz Team on Wednesday, 20 October 201073 Comments

The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself. Let’s take a look at the reasons behind this verdict:

1.) There is a total lack of real evidence that young children even benefit from flu shots. A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo. Also the shots are only able to protect against certain strains of the virus, which means that if you come into contact with a different strain of virus you will still get the flu.

2.) Medical journals have published thousands of articles revealing that injecting vaccines can actually lead to serious health problems including harmful immunological responses and a host of other infections. This further increases the body’s susceptibility to the diseases that the vaccine was supposed to protect against.

3.) Ever noticed how vaccinated children within days or few weeks develop runny noses, pneumonia, ear infections and bronchiolitis? The reason is the flu virus introduced in their bodies which creates these symptoms. It also indicates immuno-suppression i.e. lowering of the immunity. The flu vaccines actually do not immunize but sensitize the body against the virus.

4.) Its a known fact that Flu vaccines contain strains of the flu virus along with other ingredients. Now think about the impact such a vaccine can have over someone with a suppressed immune system? If you have a disease that is already lowering your body’s ability to fight a virus, taking the flu shot will put your body in danger of getting the full effects of the flu and make you more susceptible to pneumonia and other contagious diseases.

5.) The Flu vaccines contain mercury, a heavy metal known to be hazardous for human health. The amount of mercury contained in a multi-dose flu shot is much higher than the maximum allowable daily exposure limit. Mercury toxicity can cause memory loss, depression, ADD, oral health problems, digestive imbalances, respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases and many more such serious health ailments.

And what about the elderly? Can the flu vaccine help them?

6.) There is mounting evidence that flu shots can cause Alzheimer’s disease. One report shows that people who received the flu vaccine each year for 3 to 5 years had a 10-fold greater chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease than people who did not have any flu shots. Also with age the immune system weakens, thus lowering your ability to fight off infections. Introducing the flu virus in the bodies of elderly could have dangerous consequences.

Can we trust the authorities who are promoting the wide-spread use of flu vaccines?

7.) The Center for Disease Control appoints a 15-member Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). This committee is responsible for deciding who should be vaccinated each year. Almost all the ACIP have a financial interest in immunizations. It’s all about the money and may have very little to do with your health and well being. The very people pushing these vaccines stand to make billions of dollars. This itself creates a doubt on how effective these flu vaccines really are?

8.) Research shows that over-use of the flu-vaccine and drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza can actually alter flu viruses and cause them to mutate into a more deadly strain. Couple this with drug resistant strains and you have virtually no benefits with much risk.

9.) There is enough evidence that shows that the ingredients present in the flu vaccinations can actually cause serious neurological disorders. In the 1976 swine flu outbreak, many who got the flu shots developed permanent nerve damage. Flu vaccines can contain many harmful materials including detergent, mercury, formaldehyde, and strains of live flu virus. Is this what you want to put in YOUR body?

10.) Trying to guess what strain to vaccinate against each season has proved to be no more effective than a guessing game. This has been very true in recent years with the H1N1 strain. Moreover getting multi-shots will only prove more dangerous as different strains of viruses and harmful ingredients are introduced into your body.

Flu shots are indeed more dangerous than you could think, and it is best to rely on natural ways to protect against the flu rather than getting yourself vaccinated.

Isn’t it interesting that the main stream public health officials never promote the various proven ways to avoid the flu other than through vaccination? How about spending some of the billions of advertising dollars teaching us natural ways to boost our immune systems and avoid the flu without harmful and sometimes deadly vaccinations.

Help Us Spread This Article!

Some videos on the topic you should watch… We got a kick out of the one below!

This one is more educational…


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Flu SHot Gift Cards!!!

Walgreens announces flu shot gift card; give the "gift" of a vaccine (opinion)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) Summer isn't even over yet and the big push for the mass vaccination of the entire population is already under way. The CDC started the push by recently urging vaccine shots for everyone -- including infants, pregnant women and immune-compromised people. Adding to the vaccination hoopla, Walgreens has announced something quite bizarre: A flu shot gift card.

Available for $29.99 at your nearest Walgreens retailer, this gift card is, as Walgreens explains on their website, "a way to help more Americans stay well throughout the upcoming flu season by giving the gift of a flu shot."

See a full-size picture of this flu shot gift card right here:

Of course, if you gave your friends the gift of vitamin D supplements, they wouldn't need a flu shot or a jab in the arm with a sharp needle. Vitamin D has been proven again and again to work better than vaccines at preventing influenza (, yet it remains all but ignored by the conventional medical establishment which just happens to be dominated by the financial interests of vaccine manufacturers (pharma companies).

Swine flu again?
As Walgreens admits on its own website (, this year's seasonal flu shot only protects against last year's viruses. In particular, this year's flu shot contains DNA fragments from H1N1 swine flu -- yep, the very same virus that fizzled out last year after the WHO hilariously declared a stage six global pandemic. This whole charade turned out to be engineered by WHO advisors who had financial ties to the vaccine companies (

Now they're trying to jab you again with the same viral fragments. But this year they're playing mind games with the public by packaging these flu shots as "gifts." Walgreens must think this is clever, but it's actually a bit of a farce.

Usually a gift is something you actually want; something that's uplifting or health enhancing in some way. Vaccines, on the other hand, have been widely linked to convulsions and neurological disorders. Just recently, Australia actually banned its seasonal flu vaccine for children after dozens of children went into convulsions from receiving the flu shot.

Why do flu shots cause convulsions? Because flu shots contain neurological inflammation agents designed to elicit an immune response for building antibodies. The problem is that these chemicals can also cause neurological damage leading to symptoms you just can't ignore... such as convulsions. Some teens have even been paralyzed by flu shots. Western doctors routinely ignore this evidence and simply declare vaccines to be "safe for everyone!" even when they clearly aren't.

So anyone who buys a flu shot gift card and hands it to a child or teenager might actually be giving the gift of convulsions. Happy Birthday, Bobby! Here, have some convulsions and go get yourself jabbed in the arm with a sharp needle...

Sending the wrong message
In my opinion, buying a Walgreens flu shot gift card sends a powerful, two-part message. First, it announces that you're a complete idiot when it comes to health, and you're a total sucker for the corporate-controlled interventionist health care system that excels at convincing you to buy dangerous drugs you don't even need.

Secondly, it says that you probably hate the person you're giving it to. What kind of person buys a vaccine shot as a gift anyway? Does it include a Hallmark card that says "Every time I think of you, I wince in pain and can't stop convulsing. Enjoy this vaccine so that you can have the same experience."

Or another card, "I couldn't decide what to get you for Christmas, so I thought I'd get you vaccinated instead. Merry Christmas!"

Can you imagine some little kid receiving this gift from his parents? He was hoping for an X-Box or a dirt bike, but instead he gets an envelope with a red card in it. "What's this?" he asks his parents. "Oh, Bobby, it's a VACCINE gift card! To protect your health!" Bobby replies, "How does it work?" And his parents answer, "Well, using this vaccine gift card, you can get jabbed in the arm with chemicals and live viruses, and it won't even cost you a penny!"

"I feel really loved," answers Bobby. "No one has ever given me the gift of a vaccine shot! When can we go to Walgreens and cash in?"

What's next? Chemo Cards!
I got to thinking about this: If flu shot gift cards are so popular, why not just expand this into all the toxic chemicals of modern medicine? Perhaps hospitals should roll out Chemotherapy Gift Cards so you can "give the gift of chemo!"

Is your loved one just a little too healthy? Does their brain work too well? Is their liver annoyingly operating at one hundred percent? Give the gift of chemotherapy and you'll destroy their kidney, liver and brain function (after which they'll gladly accept your flu shot vaccine gift cards next year).

The chemo card can act like a coffee punch card, too: After ten rounds of chemotherapy, the eleventh is on the house! (If you're still alive, anyway...)

While this idea may seem outlandish today, it's actually not that far-fetched. Flu shot gift cards are already packaging western chemical medicines as "gifts." And we just reported a story about how pharma drug pushers want fast food restaurants to hand out statin drugs for free to customers ( It seems that the idea of repackaging interventionist chemical medicines as gifts is pervasive.

It's too bad we can't figure out a way to give the gift of common sense to people. If they had any common sense about health and nutrition, they wouldn't need flu shot gift cards in the first place.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Is your Car like Big Pharma???

What would happen if you had to buy your car from a company that operated in the same way as the pharmaceutical industries?

-Your car would cost $4.5 million, a 30,000 percent markup over cost.
-The same car would be available in Canada or Mexico for less than $5,000.

Dealing with Competition
-Meanwhile, automakers would be lobbying Congress to outlaw bicycles and airplanes, just as the drug companies try to do with herbs and nutritional supplements.
-All auto imports would be banned. If you drove a Toyota down from Canada, you would be arrested.
-Car dealers would be bribed with money, free vacations, free food, and free cars by automobile sales representatives to push certain cars.

-Cars with no seatbelts, airbags, crumple zones, or other safety systems would be declared perfectly safe by the FDA, which would instead focus on the dangers of bicycles.
-Driver's ed programs would be cancelled nationwide, and people would be encouraged to buy new cars rather than repair damaged ones or avoid accidents in the first place.
-Safety tests showing that cars were dangerous would be buried, and scientists who produced such results would be prevented from ever conducting car safety tests ever again.
-After being sued by customers injured in the cars with no safety systems, automakers would further lobby Congress to pass laws protecting car companies against class-action lawsuits.
-Any federally mandated warnings about car safety problems would be printed in small type on a tiny label hidden under the driver's seat.
-Driving certain cars would cause side effects like loss of sex drive or full-body muscle pain.


-Car companies would heavily promote new models each year, which would be no different from the ones they were selling 30 years ago.
-Car companies would invent reasons for you to buy a dozen or more cars.
-Automobile advertising would be filled with pictures of happy, healthy, energetic drivers, but the cars would break down constantly, fail to perform as promised, and quickly stop working.
-Cars would be sold to you with extra features like a sunroof, air conditioning, or a navigational system, but when the car arrived none of these features would be included, just as drug companies exaggerate the "multiple health benefits" of their products.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Principles of Chiropractic

The Principles of Health and Chiropractic

The Principles of Health and Chiropractic

What is a principle? A principle is a fundamental law or code of conduct. I think of the Golden Rule as a principle that we can use to guide and enrich our lives. The Golden Rule encourages us to treat others, as we ourselves would like to be treated. I know if the Golden Rule guided all my words and actions then my world would be enriched. Chiropractic has principles too. To the extent that we are successful in translating these to the patient, they will naturally experience greater levels of health and fulfillment. I have written down the basic principles of Chiropractic that are the most important to your health and that of your family.

1-There is a powerful healer within all of us. Its mission is to keep our bodies healthy and needs very little assistance from us. We call this the Innate Intelligence of the body. Innate simply means inborn or indwelling. It is the Life that is within you and is even now beating your heart without your effort. It is present in every cell.

2-This Innate Wisdom of your body uses the nervous system as a pathway from the brain to the cells of the body. Through the nervous system, Innate Intelligence coordinates and controls every cell and every function in the body.

3-Interference to the nervous system interferes with the mission of Innate Intelligence, which is to keep your body healthy and in the proper balance.

4-Spinal misalignments (subluxations) put pressure on the nervous system and interfere with this Intelligence and its ability to carry out its mission, which is maintaining health.

5-Interference to the nervous system (subluxation) is often silent or without symptoms until the final stages of the disease process, therefore, spinal care should begin long before symptoms arise.

6-Correction of the subluxation restores our body’s ability to heal and function as intended.

7-Spinal misalignments or subluxations are a natural consequence of physical, chemical and emotional stressors in the environment, which occurs on a daily basis. Subluxations should be kept to a minimum throughout the life of the individual.

8-For optimal health, spinal care should begin as soon after birth as possible and be maintained throughout the life of the individual.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ergonomics for Construction Workers

This is a great article that I just read by the ACA and
By Chris Sorrells
Construction tasks place the body in numerous risky positions. Cramped working areas, working overhead and at floor level, heavy material handling and repetitive tasks are just some of the risk factors construction workers face. The University of Iowa found that 70 percent of construction workers experienced low-back pain over a one-year period. When working in construction, keep in mind the following strategies. 
Minimize Awkward Postures
Overhead work places static loads on the neck, back and arm muscles. Standing on a stool, ladder, scaffolding or platform can minimize this reach and bring the work into a safer position. Stands or jacks can hold materials in place for overhead installation.
If tasks require work at lower surfaces, sitting on a stool, bucket or the floor can minimize crouching. Knee guards or a padded surface can protect the patella while the worker is kneeling. Knee dollies or kneeling creepers also facilitate easy movement. For forward-leaning tasks, such as floor tiling, a creeper with chest support can be helpful. In addition, workers should plan their work to alternate kneeling with standing in order to stay productive while giving tired muscles a break.
Bar owners have long known that you can stand more comfortably in one place if there is a rail to alternately place your feet. Use a brick or other surface as a lifted foot rest when standing still. Shoe inserts or custom orthotics can also make standing more comfortable.
When most people shovel, they twist their body in one direction, bend over and then further twist their spine to toss the dirt. To avoid this risk, a long-handled tool can help decrease bending and minimize twisting of the spine. Alternately using the shovel on the left and right side of the body can reduce fatigue and muscle imbalances. In addition, keeping the wheelbarrow close helps to minimize the throwing distance.

Handling Tools
Improper or poorly designed tools place the user in awkward postures leading to tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and strain. They also require excessive force, creating fatigue and pain. While there are numerous ergonomically designed tools on the market now, learn proper wrist positioning using the following key points:
• Avoid handles that end in the palm as they create local contact stress. Add padding or sleeves to lengthen and soften such handles.
• Look for soft or cushioned handles without sharp edges or grooves, which keep the wrists straight.
• While handles with ridges for the fingers seem to aide grip, they actually increase the risk for injury owing to the increased contact stresses.
• The handle diameter for tools such as hammers and screwdrivers should be between 1 ¼-inch and 2 inches. Precision tools require smaller handles of between ¼ inch and ½ inch in diameter. 
• Power tools create less torque than air tools, reducing forces.
• While the hand or knee should never be used as a hammer, it is common in tasks such as laying carpet. Try to avoid this harmful habit.

Organizing Tool Belts 
Carrying 20 pounds of imbalanced tools has many negative effects on the spine. Rearrange the tools to balance the load. For example, remove the tools you won’t use during the day to lighten the load. When you take a break, you should remove the belt to give your back a rest.
Belts with wide suspenders help distribute the weight between the hips and shoulders. Bucket-style tool belts are also a good option, as tools can be kept close but not place unnecessary strain on the spine.
Loading Vehicles
Heavy items should be placed close to the tailgate or doors to minimize reaching. Avoid reaching over the side of the truck to lift items. Utilizing truck lockers and bins allows better organization of items and minimizes reaching and crawling into the truck. Roll-out truck beds are also a good investment.
Minimizing the Effect of Vibration
Jackhammers, drills, impact wrenches and other power tools place construction workers at risk for hand-arm vibration syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome, reduced circulation, paresthesias and pain. Vibration syndromes are often hard to treat, so prevention is important. Anti-vibration gloves, rest breaks and keeping the hands warm are beneficial.  
Whole-body vibration occurs when workers sit in forklifts, cranes and other heavy equipment. Proper maintenance, use of a gel cushion on the seat and releasing hold of controls when not actively using them can help minimize the impact.
Reduce Your Risks
Many construction tasks, from turning a screwdriver to using equipment controls, require repetition. Learn to self-initiate rest breaks and alternate heavy and light tasks. Analyze which tasks you perform routinely to develop a personalized stretching program, counteracting the sustained postures you use on the job. Strengthening muscle groups opposing those you use at work is also vital to preventing future injury.
Chris Sorrells is the president of, a free online resource for health professionals. He can be reached at
ACA News Extra...
Material Handling Tips
• Plan ahead. Keep heavy or awkward items close to waist level and away from the floor to minimize lifting effort. Use rolling carts or dollies to move items.
• Lighten the load. Break items into smaller quantities when possible. Can you open the box and take things out individually? Can you order extremely heavy items like concrete and mortar in smaller, lighter bags?
• When you turn, move your feet first—never twist your body.
• Try to work at waist height. This is where you are strongest and safest.
• Get a grip. Use handles on boxes when possible, and be sure you have a secure hold.
• Minimize reach. The farther you reach, the harder you work.
• Widen your stance. Spread your feet about shoulder width to increase support.
• Tighten your stomach muscles, keep the back straight, and use the legs when lifting.
• Get help. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommends that no item heavier than 50 pounds should be lifted by one person. While workers routinely lift more, being aware of the recommendation may make them less apprehensive about asking for help.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Keep Going

Here are a few good thoughts that one of my friends just sent me.  I think it is very valuable.

Sometimes life will present you with an unexpected detour. Sometimes you'll spend a lot of time and effort, and end up right back where you started. Such times are no reason for despair. Rather, they provide an opportunity for renewed determination and commitment. Sometimes, things will not go as you planned. When that happens, keep in mind that much of life's richness comes from its unpredictability. Rather than cursing the detours that life throws your way, explore what they have to offer. Even though you're not moving in the direction you intended to go, you can still make positive progress.

No moment is wasted when you live it with passion and purpose. Every sincere effort brings a valuable reward, even though the result may not be exactly as you planned. Getting there the fastest is not nearly as important as making the most of every moment. Value and enjoy the journey, even when there are detours along the way

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chiropractic Explained!!!!

The nervous system is your body's "master system". It controls every function in the body - right down to the cellular level. When your nervous system doesn't work right, you don't work right. It's as simple as that. The philosophy, art and science of chiropractic involves finding and removing problems in the nervous system so you can function at your highest level!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wellness tip of the Week!

It's time to wipe the plate clean. Yes, a new decade means a fresh new take on eating in a clean and healthy way. I'm looking at 2010 as a wakeup call when it comes to making nutrition conscious choices. Maybe the goal is to lose 50 pounds or those stubborn last 10. Or perhaps you just want to feel less sluggish and avoid those afternoon slumps. The key is twofold: what's on your plate and how you move. Today, I'll focus on what you're eating.

I have a few great ways to toss Ben and Jerry out of your house and replace them *Hang out in the produce aisle. Think of the produce aisle at your local grocery store as one of your primary shopping areas and really take a good look at what's offered. The fun part here is to buy a new vegetable each week and then go on the Internet or figure out a recipe to cook it in a healthy way. With most veggies, you can never go wrong stir frying in a little extra virgin olive oil with some fresh herbs or garlic. Once a week make a large pan of roasted veggies in your oven. Cut your veggies, drizzle with olive oil and then toss with some salt and pepper. Bake until brown, eat with your meals and save the leftovers for wraps and salads. When you have them handy, you will eat them.

*Remember your protein choices. Too many people are still doing meals that are just one big carb bomb. Remember that protein is necessary at every meal including breakfast. Don't just have your steel cut oatmeal, but make sure to add two poached eggs. Make sure to add the whey protein to your shakes. Dinner shouldn't just be some pasta with cheese. Try some fresh wild salmon with veggies or some great grilled chicken with a wonderful salad. When you eat protein, you will feel full and satisfied.

*Stop eating chemicals. Make a vow this year to take as many food chemicals out of your life as possible. This means nixing the diet sodas and boxed meals. Really read the labels and if you can't pronounce it then don't eat it. Remember that many so-called healthy sports drinks are also full of sugar and chemicals. One great benefit of getting rid of these chemicals is your skin will look brighter and glow.

*Don't do artificial sweeteners - at all! Switch to the only sweetener I use which is xylitol, and just use a little bit. Get rid of all of the rest of the chemical gunk sweeteners. If you have a stash at home or in your bag or purse then get rid of them. Make sure you read labels because many foods are full of these chemicals.

*Make healthy lateral switches when it comes to foods. I don't want you to just deny yourself, but make conscious lateral shifts. For example, if you love soda then switch over to sparkling water with some Emergen-C in it. It's a delicious mock-tail that tastes great. Soon, you won't even miss your soda anymore and may actually come to hate the taste of it. (Believe me, it's true).

*Modify your coffee habit. Many of us have been kidding ourselves over the years about our little 800 calorie midday or morning coffee pitstops. It's time to realize that adding sugar, chocolate and whipped cream to coffee turns it into a very high calorie dessert. I'd rather opt for plain coffee and add a little organic Half & Half plus xylitol.

*Realize that fat isn't the enemy. You should make sure to have the right fat or healthy fats like coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. The fat from nuts is also perfect for good health. Many people rid their lives of fat and then use sugar as a replacement for flavor. Don't fall into that trap.

*Work on retraining your taste buds. You might think that you can't live without sugar, but I bet that you can lose your taste for it. The key is to take it out of your diet and then retrain your taste buds to love the taste of spice and a bit sour. You'll be amazed that suddenly anything sugary will taste too sugary and you won't like it anymore. That's the key to freedom from a sugar addiction. Break the habit and then lose your taste for it.

*Finally, don't live in denial. If you occasionally - and that doesn't mean every single day - want a special treat then use my three-bite rule. Take three ladylike bites (even if you're a guy) and then you're done. You will get your taste and not over indulge in a good thing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

GP's Not Following Low Back Pain Best Practices!

  Here is a very interesting article!

Low Back Pain and Best Practice Care

A Survey of General Practice Physicians

Christopher M. Williams, MAppSc; Christopher G. Maher, PhD; Mark J. Hancock, PhD; James H. McAuley, PhD; Andrew J. McLachlan, PhD; Helena Britt, PhD; Salma Fahridin, MHSc; Christopher Harrison, MSocHlth; Jane Latimer, PhD

Archives of Internal Medicine 2010;170(3): 271-277.

Background  Acute low back pain (LBP) is primarily managed in general practice. We aimed to describe the usual care provided by general practitioners (GPs) and to compare this with recommendations of best practice in international evidence-based guidelines for the management of acute LBP.

Methods  Care provided in 3533 patient visits to GPs for a new episode of LBP was mapped to key recommendations in treatment guidelines. The proportion of patient encounters in which care arranged by a GP aligned with these key recommendations was determined for the period 2005 through 2008 and separately for the period before the release of the local guideline in 2004 (2001-2004).

Results  Although guidelines discourage the use of imaging, over one-quarter of patients were referred for imaging. Guidelines recommend that initial care should focus on advice and simple analgesics, yet only 20.5% and 17.7% of patients received these treatments, respectively. Instead, the analgesics provided were typically nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (37.4%) and opioids (19.6%). This pattern of care was the same in the periods before and after the release of the local guideline.

Conclusions  The usual care provided by GPs for LBP does not match the care endorsed in international evidence-based guidelines and may not provide the best outcomes for patients. This situation has not improved over time. The unendorsed care may contribute to the high costs of managing LBP, and some aspects of the care provided carry a higher risk of adverse effects.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Make 2010 a great year!!!

A little late but still great advice!!!

This Year 2010

Mend a quarrel.

Seek out a forgotten friend.

Write a love letter.

Share some treasure.

Give a soft answer.

Encourage youth.

Keep a promise.

Find the time.

Forgive an enemy.


Apologize if you were wrong.

Think first of someone else.

Be kind and gentle.

Laugh a little.

Laugh a little more.

Express your gratitude.

Gladden the heart of a child.

Take pleasure in the beauty

and wonder of the earth.

Speak your love.

Speak it again.

Speak it still once again.