Saturday, December 19, 2009

Alternatives that Work!


Thanks to new advances in research, treatments once considered “alternative” or “complimentary” are now the treatments of choice in acute and chronic neck, low back pain and headaches. According to the American Academy of Physicians, in a guideline released in 2007, spinal manipulation, exercise, massage, acupuncture, and Yoga are treatments which have been validated by research. These treatments should no longer be considered alternative or complimentary, but should be first line treatment in the battle over painful and disabling low back pain.

According to the RAND Corporation, chiropractic physicians perform 94 percent of all spinal manipulation in the United States. Additionally, patient satisfaction surveys are favorable, and the public is turning towards these non-medical types of treatments in record numbers. If you are tired of suffering low back or neck pain, give our office a call at 573-769-2400. Or visit our website at

NOTE: According to many studies, chiropractic care is safer, costs less, and is more effective than more traditional forms of care. When used in combination with other evidence-based treatment like exercise and acupuncture the potential for relief is greatly enhanced!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Health and Fitness Websites

Alot of patients have been asking me about some good health and fitness websites. Here is a short list of some good ones.

10 Websites To Help You Lose Weight,

Be Healthier And Feel Wonderful In 2010


Tons of great free workout videos – with new videos and advice added all the time.


Free topics include: Lose weight, build muscle, eat healthy, pregnancy fitness, fitness calculators and free newsletters.


General Wellness, Wellness for Women, Wellness for Men, Family & Parenting, Exercise & Fitness, Diet & Nutrition, Relationships & Sex, Environmental Wellness, Personal Development, Pet Wellness


One of the most visited natural health sites on the internet.


Healthy recipes, weight loss, health, beauty.


Effective and fun training for beginners up to professional athletes.


Videos for women interested in having a serious beach body by summer!


Provides information and tips on fitness, health, career, relationships, nutrition, recipes, weight-loss and muscle building.


Tons of free nutrition tools and information.


Fitness video reviews, forums to discuss and meet like-minded people, video exchange.

Enjoy all these great websites and remember to call us at 573-769-2400 get your pre-injury evaluation before you get started working out or picking up the pace!

Of course my site has some good info also--

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Restelss Legs and Cramps

Restless Legs, Cramps, and Fevers

The topic of the month is “Restless Legs and Cramps”. To resolve cramps, restless legs, and fevers you body needs adequate calcium, but taking calcium (especially store-bought, crushed-rock calcium supplements) simply will not do. The reason is simple. Most of the calcium in these supplements is never digested, so less becomes metabolized for use, and still less gets mobilized to where you need it—in your muscles and immune cells.

Calcium absorption first requires the most absorbable calcium. That form of calcium is calcium lactate (from vegetables, not crushed shells or rocks). Second, calcium absorption requires that you have adequate stomach acid. So chronic use of antacids and acid blockers can lead to muscle cramps, and restless legs by interfering with the absorption of calcium. Calcium Lactate contains magnesium citrate, which is acid, thus helping with the acid requirement for proper absorption.

Finally, calcium mobilization requires fatty acids and iodine. Enter Cataplex F, which is a combination of these. It allows the body to mobilize calcium through the blood stream.

The same dose once or twice per day can help kids with fevers.

A dose of 3-6 Calcium Lactate and 3-4 Cataplex F once or twice per day will help greatly with cramps, restless legs, and getting your body to absorb calcium better.

For Restless Legs take 3-4 Doses per day.

Fast, Inexpensive, safe and effective treatment for Restless Legs and cramps!

Pro Active Chiropractic Center
Scott Stiffey, D.C.
219 S. Main St
Palmyra, MO 63461

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Swine Flu Article

Swine Flu Article

The Doctor Within

by Tim O’Shea 29 Sep 09

This has been a big week for swine flu vaccines. With the money machine in full swing to get the untested swine flu vaccine out to the public ASAP, it’s hard to keep up with the level of deception in mainstream media. But we’ll give it a try.


On 22 Sep 09, Associated Press ran the story

“Govt: 1 swine flu shot enough for older kids” wherein they buried the lead: National Institutes of Health now wants to give four separate flu shots to kids younger than 9 years old. Two of the shots will be the brand new untested swine flu vaccines, and the other two will be the ‘regular’ flu shot.

Before we look at the direct misstatements of fact in that AP article, let’s read it at face value. Here is some of the new ‘information’: [3]

National Institutes of Health director Fauci and CDC’s Dr Schuchat do proclaim:

- children 9 and younger will need 2 flu shots and 2 swine flu shots
- everybody else will need 1 of each
- swine flu vaccine will be ready in October
- we’ll have 251 million doses
- swine flu targets young children, which is why they need 2 shots
- they can get both shots the same day, one in each arm
- NIH has studies involving 600 children
- children 10 and older showed protection from the new vaccine
- younger children didn’t show protection, since they don’t have a mature immune system
- a second dose is necessary to ‘rev up’ the immune system

For a study in modern propaganda techniques, the reader is directed to the entire AP article:

This article epitomizes a modern fact of media: the days of investigative reporting are long gone. The article is nothing more but a watered down, selectively exaggerated version of the NIH’s own article [4] which came out the same day

“Early Results: In Children, 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine”

Associated Press offers not one bit of independent research, commentary, criticism, or analysis. Except for deliberately omitting some of the glaring lack of science in the NIH article, all that AP does is to try and give a junior-high parroting of the high points from their master’s voice.

The AP article obediently adopts the NIH’s new pet word “protection” across the board: “Protection kicks in for older children within eight to 10 days of the shot…” Only a tested and proven vaccine could even hope to provide protection. The clinical trials on swine flu vaccine are less than a month old, and won’t be completed until April 2010. The only thing these shots are protecting at this point is an experiment on the live population.

Trying to make believe that giving a 6 month old infant 4 flu shots would be ‘normal’ Fauci: “…the very young often need 2 doses of vaccine against regular winter flu.” Really? Why has he never shared that secret with anyone before now? CDC has never recommended 2 flu shots for children. Suddenly, with no new research, no new clinical trials, the number of flu shots for young children is doubled, at the same moment we are adding 2 other swine flu shots.

Flu shots were added to the vaccine Schedule back in 2005, beginning at 6 months of age, and yearly thereafter. [1] One shot. What is Fauci trying to pretend? He then bumbles on… “this is very good news for the vaccination program.” Why would we care what is or isn’t good news for the vaccination program? At $1 billion per shot approved, I guess it would be good news for the vaccination program. What does that have to do with the health of our kids? Another graduate of the Josef Goebbels school of social graces: always be upbeat…

CDC’s Schuchat, another towering medical genius, obviously off her meds, then pipes in “it will be OK for kids to get one shot in each arm on the same visit.” Excuse me, Dr Mengele? Did you remember in first quarter med school when you learned that both arms were attached to the same body, sharing the same systemic circulation? Exactly what clinical trials confirm this personal hallucination of yours? And this is a principal representative of our CDC?

The AP article plods bravely on: …The new swine flu seems no more deadly than regular winter flu, which every year kills 36,000 Americans and hospitalizes 200,000. But there’s an important difference: This H1N1 strain sickens younger people more frequently… [3]

There are no references for these sweeping statements in the AP article - again, it is attempting to be summarizing NIH’s article. What new swine flu are they talking about? What disease? See the original Swine Flu chapter [1] at for that discussion.


Next item, the figure of 36,000 deaths from flu is an old CDC sales technique that has been employed unchanged for the past 20 years. Actual figures, according to CDC’s own documents [5] put the true figure at closer to 500 per year:

As we thoroughly explore in the full day vaccine seminar, there is no way that 36,000 people die from flu every year in this country, not by any stretch, although this figure is rampantly misquoted in every media. The sales job here is that the new chimera we call swine flu will be no greater threat than regular flu has been all these years, so it will be easy for the vaccine to control it, the same way as flu is controlled by flu shots. That’s the perception they’re going for here. But even if their own figures were accurate, they admit that there has been no change in annual flu deaths in the past 20 years, even though we started mandating flu shots in 2005. So what good have vaccines done? This is supposed to be an endorsement for the new swine flu shots?


Let’s continue with the AP article: “To determine the right child dose, the NIH set up studies involving 600 children, from babies to teenagers.” [3]

That is actually true. At present there are 5 separate swine flu vaccine trials being done on sample sizes of about 600 children. [2] But AP’s next statement is a deliberate misrepresentation: “About 76 percent of 10- to 17-year-olds showed strong protection after one H1N1 shot.”

Looking at the actual studies themselves [2] we learn that they won’t be finished until April 2010! So what is Fauci talking about here? Answer: preliminary findings based on a select group of 25 children !! But you can’t find that fact out in the irresponsible AP whitewash promo. No, for that fact you have to go to the NIH site, and actually read the article that AP is supposed to be reporting on: Early Results: In Children, 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Works Like Seasonal Flu Vaccine — 21 Sep 09. [4]

Easy to see misrepresentation right here — the AP article leads us to believe these high numbers were conclusive final evidence from complete studies. 76% favorable response would be a gratifying long term result in any major study, but we find out that is only after 10 days, looking at only 25 children within the entire sample of 600 subjects. [4]

Again, don’t miss the point: these high numbers of “protection” are preliminary findings only. The formal studies, which are the only ones being done in the whole world to test the safety and efficacy of the new swine flu vaccines, these studies have just begun last month, August 2009. Preliminary findings are meaningless in formal science. That’s why they design the entire study, and await the final outcome before making conclusions.

Here we see one of the most disconcerting and sinister characteristics of the new swine flu sales program: enlisting mainstream media to deliberately portray preliminary findings as definitive, conclusive scientific results. This only happens in the world of marketing. Real scientists are embarrassed by it.

The NIH report is further compromised in its own second paragraph wherein it quotes Fauci prematurely ejaculating these minor preliminary findings into an overblown sales pitch for a completely untested experimental vaccine, immediately making policy statements based on this tiny amount of skewed information:

It seems likely that the H1N1 flu vaccine will require just one 15-microgram dose for children 10 to 17 years of age.

Oh, does it really seem likely, Tony? Does it indeed? Well we’re certainly grateful to have someone like you at the helm, someone whose instincts and feelings we can trust without actually carrying out the complete clinical trials themselves.


One final important revelation about the AP article, and perhaps the agenda of the Director of the NIH:

“Younger children simply don’t have as mature an immune system,” Fauci explained. “So a first dose of vaccine against a flu strain they’ve never experienced acts as an introduction for their immune system, and a booster shortly thereafter revs up that immune response.” [4]

Wow. Let’s take a breath here, or maybe a cocktail. For the first time in history we have the director of the National Institutes of Health enunciating in a public worldwide forum one of the principal reasons why young children should not be vaccinated at all: they don’t have a mature immune system. Absolutely true. No child is born with an intact immune system. That very complex biological symphony of interrelated allergic responses, antibodies, antigens, self-recognition, cell response, etc — about which we still have only the most fragmented and vaguest knowledge — struggles its way into existence during the early years of the child’s life. It needs no help, no interference, no enormous experimental toxic load, especially one so politically contrived, in its fight to survive.

True to his training, Fauci immediately sidetracks us from that fact of nature to a landmark illusion of American pseudo-science: pretending that a flu shot in a 6 month old is a gentle natural gradual normal immune-building stimulus that will coax the infant immune system into being: “…an introduction to their immune system…” Each flu shot contains 30x the adult safe level of mercury, according to FDA’s own toxicity index.

Fauci then absurdly follows that falsehood with a sublimely idiotic non-sequitur: the subsequent booster shot ‘revs up the immune system’. Revs up the immune system. Jesus wept.

This is not the president of Harley Davidson talking here, my friends. This is the director of the branch of government that is in charge of providing funding for all the medical research done in this country, controlling an industry that is in excess of $1.2 trillion annually. And this is his perception of the normal development of an infant’s immune system: an engine that needs to be ‘revved up’. This is the individual who controls policies and input and decisions on what substances will be mandated into your child’s bloodstream.

Revs up the immune system.


There are actually five similar clinical trials on the new swine flu vaccine, being carried out in various locations, all having just begun, all scheduled to be complete in about 6 months: spring of 2010. [2] And yet the AP article has just informed us that the swine flu vaccine will be available in less than one month - October 2009! Untested.

Going now to the recent published report (15 Sep 09) of one of the five swine flu vaccine clinical trials, the one by Sanofi Pasteur ( ) [6] we learn that their trial began in August 2009 and will go until April 2010. The sample size is 650 children.

These children are all receiving doses of an H1N1 vaccine, although whether it’s all the same strain is never addressed. They just refer to it as the 2009 H1N1 virus, whatever that may be. According to the FDA, there are some 700 strains of H1N1 virus, none of which has ever been proven to be the cause of any disease in humans. Including swine flu. So even though this fact is uncontested, what is certain is that the swine flu vaccines will all contain derivatives of some H1N1 virus. And that’s what all of America will be getting.


Now let’s ruminate on that fact for one second here and not gloss over it. Swine flu as a disease has never been proven to exist. Caught up in the media-driven hysteria of global pandemic, thousands of cases of something in several countries have been counted as swine flu for the past 5 months without any conclusive testing that verifies all these people have the same disease. Three months ago the specter of H1N1 was raised, with no verifiable proof it was a virus that all the cases had in common. But if we have to make a vaccine, we need a pathogen, and this was the best theory they could come up with: H1N1.

After another month, with no conclusive testing of the 700 strains of H1N1 that exist, the claim was suddenly made that swine flu was being caused by a “novel” H1N1 virus, suggesting they found a brand new strain of disease-causing flu virus… No proof of testing on how they supposedly discovered that one novel strain was ever offered or brought forth, or even asked for, from any scientific quarter. At the same time the CDC continued to maintain on their website that a positive test for swine flu was merely the presence of any Influenza A virus, of which there are hundreds of strains.

Again, there is no solid proof whatsoever that all these thousands of cases being counted in all the various countries during the past 5 months — there is no evidence that it wasn’t just plain old flu. All of it.

It was almost as though we are watching the birth of a religion here — unsubstantiated claims, vacillating science, relentless hype from irresponsible media trying to stay ahead of the curve, government bureaucrat officials falling all over themselves to magnify the potential of the global threat, lest anyone accuse them of down-playing the possible horrors of the coming pandemic, followed by hundreds of millions in contracts being awarded to several vaccine manufacturers to create 251 million doses.


A few days after the Associated Press article, another shocking bit of information came: the new swine flu vaccines will contain high levels of mercury! Washington state Health Secretary Salecky announced [2 ] that the state of Washington just lifted allowable limits of thimerosal in the new swine flu vaccines, with no new levels set.

The announcement was masterfully phrased, obviously the work of professional Bernays-type publicists:

“Lifting mercury limits for H1N1 vaccine will give pregnant women and parents or guardians of children under three the option of getting the vaccine if they want it.”

Couching the issue in terms of availability to poor pregnant women sidesteps the obvious: it would also give these women the option of exposing themselves and their unborn children to unrestricted levels of the third most lethal neurotoxin known to man: organic mercury. Perhaps realities like that don’t make for good promo copy.

All this for a disease that has never been proven to exist, and has been admitted by the CDC to be generally mild and self-limiting.

The Washington state declaration was helpful in that it quoted from one of the 5 swine flu vax manufacturers - Sanofi Pasteur - from their 15 Sep 09 announcement [6] that their new swine flu vaccination had just been licensed by the FDA. Even though the wording is confusing, reading Sanofi’s entire statement does give one the impression that their brand new swine flu vaccine, which was in clinical trials for only 5 weeks, has actually been approved by the FDA for general use.

This is in line with CDC’s well published expectation to have the vaccines available by October 2009.

Sanofi states that the clinical trial just began on August 6. Now remember - none of the clinical trials is scheduled to be completed until April 2010. Which begs the questions:

- Why are vaccines being licensed at the very beginning of the clinical trials?

- If they’re brand new vaccines, why do they have thimerosal at all, let alone unrestricted levels?

Something’s not right here.

Perhaps we can gain some insight from the tone of Sanofi’s honcho:

“Obtaining FDA licensure of this vaccine for A (H1N1) pandemic response is a key milestone that will enable Sanofi Pasteur to provide a licensed vaccine to the U.S. government to support pandemic immunization efforts,” said Wayne Pisano, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sanofi Pasteur.

Sanofi is now referring to their vaccine as the Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine. This is the latest incarnation, or at least the newest name for the swine flu vaccines. No more ‘novel,’ no more just plain H1N1 vaccine - by putting H1N1 in parentheses after Influenza A, Sanofi is trying to create the illusion that H1N1 is the same thing as Influenza A virus.

We explained this completely in the swine flu chapter [7] - hundreds of strains of Influenza A, and dozens of strains of H1N1. The pretense here is that by meticulous testing they have identified the exact strain that has caused all these deaths and cases of swine flu in all these countries during the past 5 months.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The spectre of thimerosal having been raised portends the possibility, indeed the likelihood, that the vaccine manufacturers who have just been awarded these huge contracts to rush a vaccine onto the market — that the new vaccines will not be new at all, but rather old stockpiled vaccines that have been sitting around for years: either old flu vaccines or Avian flu vaccines, or whatever. Virtually anything with a fragment of any flu virus might qualify.

Again, if the vaccines are going to be brand new, created right now at this time, why would they have to contain thimerosal at all? If these are brand new batches, why not just leave it out? There are thimerosal-free vaccines, and have been for years. Even Salecky notes this in her statement. So why add this neurotoxin to a vaccine that we’re going to be giving 2 shots of to a 6 month old infant, especially now when the connection with autism has been so clearly documented?

For years, the ‘regular’ flu shots contained 25 mcg of mercury, which is 30 times the adult safe level. That was bad enough that we have been doing it since 2006. And now we have just learned that there will be even higher levels of thimerosal in the new vaccines….?

The practice of trotting out old vaccines, giving them a new promo package, and re-marketing them is not new. We did the same exact thing back in 2002 with the smallpox vaccine hoax. [8] At that time a vaccine manufacturer dug up 90 million doses of old smallpox vaccines that had been sitting around in storage since 1971. With no new clinical trials, the old vaccines were ‘tested’ by Aventis, the company who had just received four hundred million dollars to produce a smallpox vaccine overnight, and found to be “still good.”

Remember this: batches of vaccines do have expiration dates, but they are never thrown away. Vaccine manufacturers are the packrats of the drug industry in that regard. Just never know when any of these old vaccine batches might come in handy.


A working hypothesis at the present time is that faced with the “emergency” to get swine flu vaccines out immediately in order to stem the tide of the so-called global pandemic, manufacturers will be digging through their cupboards to see if they have any old stuff they can sell now just by changing the name and a little tweaking.

Historically it generally takes a year or more to create, test, and approve a brand new vaccine. If this one’s being forced into existence after one month by sheer political expediency, the manufacturers are likely going to try every trick in the book. Remember, Sanofi is the same company who got the hundred million dollar contract to produce avian flu vaccine back in 2005, which they never delivered on. [ 9] So why on earth would they not try to sell any expired inventory as swine flu stock? Time is money.

Another company, Baxter, was recently caught by the Czech government for doing exactly that: selling unlicensed avian flu vaccine as swine flu vaccine. That was a major worldwide scandal, in all the news in September 2009. [10]

When the Czech government pre-tested the vaccine on ferrets before giving it to humans, all the ferrets died! That was earlier this month. Again, why wouldn’t Sanofi or any of the others try the exact same ruse?

Not surprising that about 25% of Sanofi’s recent statement on swine flu [6] is directed to their investors as a disclaimer about the way they are marketing the vaccine. The economics of politics, exemplified in both the swine flu disaster of 1976 and also the smallpox vaccine scam of 2001.

In both instances the excuse was offered by the FDA that there was no time to test the vaccine because of the ‘imminent danger’ of the ‘pandemic.’ And so the vaccines were rushed through the approval process without completing the clinical trials. All politics, no science. In 1976, hundreds of people died from that mistake. In 2001, they took the easy way out - after the $3 billion was spent they scrapped the whole smallpox vaccine program.


It’s eerie. This identical urgency over today’s swine flu program is being stoked almost daily by inflammatory, largely unfounded news stories, all directed toward the same outcome: there simply isn’t time to test these new vaccines. So let’s just get them out there to the children and pregnant women such as they are. We’ll sort of the details later.

Like toxicity, lethal side effects, permanent neurological damage, autism, etc.


Almost as bad as the promotion of an untested vaccine for a nonexistent disease is all this internet noise making hysterical claims about subtextual Machiavellian aspects of the swine flu program. Like the stories predicting mandatory swine flu vaccination which evoke Third Reich policies of quarantining any objectors in stadiums or mass detention centers (which actually is law in this country at present, part of the Homeland Security Act), etc. …

In reality all this is completely unnecessary. There’s no need to make swine flu vaccine mandatory. No vaccine in history has been supported and promoted by such an enormous, well-crafted, incessant global media blitz. And of course it’s working: most people can’t wait to get the new vaccine.

In the midst of everything we do not know, one fact is certain: without hyperbole or sensationalism, the new swine flu vaccine coming next month - unidentified, untested and untried - will be the most dangerous immunological experiment on this country’s children in the past 30 years.

copyright MMIX thedoctorwithin


1. O’Shea, T - The sanctity of human blood 13th ed.


3. Neergaard, L NEERGAARD - Associated Press - Mon Sep 21, 2009

4. National Institutes of Health
“Early Results: In Children, 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine”

5. Centers for Diseases Control site

6. Sanofi Pasteur,

7. Swine flu: global pandemic

8. Weiss, R - Smallpox vaccine turns up Washington Post 27 Mar 2002.

9. Kaufman, M - Swiss Firm May Cede Bird Flu Drug Rights
Washington Post October 19, 2005

10. Branswell, H - Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus
THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto Sun September 28, 2009

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 12th, 2009 at 9:02 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Johnny Damon and Yankees hire a Chiropractor

New York Chiropractic Yankees ~~ New York Times reported earlier this week that the Yankees would be hiring a team chiropractor

The New York Yankees and chiropractic have been in the news the past few weeks thanks to major-league baseball player Johnny Damon. In most recent news, the New York Times reported earlier this week that the Yankees would be hiring a team chiropractor, apparently on the advice of Johnny Damon.

There were several articles circulating in the news about Johnny Damon and the chiropractic care he has been receiving in Orlando, Florida. According to Damon, his chiropractor is amazing. The New York Yankees left field ballplayer hopes his chiropractic care will translate into better results on the field, not only for himself, but for his team.

This wouldn't be the first time the New York Yankees have utilized the team chiropractor. Back in May of 1934, a magazine from the National Chiropractic Association featured a front-page photo of New York Yankees team chiropractor (Dr. Painter) working with a ballplayer, with Babe Ruth watching on. I don't know if there's any truth of this, but I once heard that at the time, the New York Yankees asked the New York Daily News to keep quiet about the Yankees having a team chiropractor, which was from the 1920s to the 1930s(AT THIS TIME CHIROPRACTIC CARE WAS ILLEGAL IN NEW YORK). Apparently, they wanted to maintain a competitive edge by keeping the chiropractic care a secret. Perhaps coincidentally, the Yankees recorded their best season ever (1927 - World Champions) and won four World Championships (1923, 1927-1928, 1932) during the time of Dr. Erie Painter, chiropractor.

According to various news reports, Johnny Damon has not spent a single day on baseball's disabled list during his lengthy playing career. Pro Active Chiropractic would like to recognize and congratulate Johnny Damon, the New York Yankees management, and the entire Yankees organization, for their continued support and utilization of chiropractic care in the field of professional athletics.

You can visit the official Johnny Damon web site at to view his bio, long list of awards and records, as well as some very impressive statistics.

Major League Baseball: Damon grinding it out - Left fielder plans to visit personal chiropractor on Monday
Newsday: Damon says his back is 'feeling great' - Johnny Damon's work with his chiropractor in Orlando should keep him on the field and functioning great.
Yankees Notebook: Damon feeling better after chiropractic treatments

Friday, October 16, 2009

Swine Flu?

Here is a good article that I have read recently.

The Swine Flu/Adrian Gibbs PHD

When the avian flu scare arrived, no one questioned it. This time, things are different. Tamiflu is an antiviral medication used to treat influenza. It will be the prime medication sold to protect citizens from swine flu as it was for avian flu. All healthcare workers, military and essential service workers will need a dose available and it will be bought with your tax dollars. Tamiflu is made and patented by Gilead Sciences and Donald Rumsfeld was the chairman of this company before he joined the Bush administration. When the Avian Flu scare flashed across the television sets of Americans, Gilead Sciences stock went through the roof

At the same time, the H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic does not require a conspiracy theory to explain why it is simply false or a hoax. A simple examination of the facts and the application of the definition of words show it to be false. In my case, after the first few days went by with only deaths in Mexico, I started to become suspicious.

I kept wondering, "Where are the world wide deaths? Surely if this killed 100 in a couple days in Mexico, more deaths would occur quickly where ever the H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak appears in other countries. Various varieties of the flu make their way around the world every year. Every year more people die from the various strains of "non-pandemic" flu than have died thus far from the misnamed swine flu. Thousands die each year from flu strains that are never labeled “Pandemic” To date, May 1 2009, after more than 8 days of Media Hype and 29 days of identified existence, there are only 260 deaths. The official, confirmed death toll is 12.

American health officials declared a public health emergency as cases of swine flu were confirmed in the U.S. Health officials across the world fear this could be the leading edge of a global pandemic emerging from Mexico, where seven people are confirmed dead as a result of the new virus. Several nations have imposed travel bans, or made plans to quarantine air travelers2 that present symptoms of the swine flu despite the fact that WHO now openly states it is not possible to contain the spread of this infection and recommends mitigation measures, not restricting travel or closing borders.

Just What is a Pandemic Anyway?

A pandemic does not necessarily mean what you think it does, it is NOT black-plague carts being hauled through the streets piled high with dead bodies. Nor does it mean flesh eating zombies wandering the streets feeding on the living. All a pandemic means is that a new infectious disease is spreading throughout the world. By definition, a "pandemic" is an epidemic that is geographically widespread. Fear-mongers are always careful to add the innuendo that millions of people could and probably will die, as in the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 that killed about 20 million people worldwide. How does the death of even a few hundred equate to 20 million?

Much Fear Mongering Being Promoted

I suspect you have likely been alarmed by the media's coverage of the swine flu scare. It has a noticeable subplot - preparing you for draconian measures to combat a future pandemic as well as forcing you to accept the idea of mandatory vaccinations. On April 27, Time magazine published an article which discusses how dozens died and hundreds were injured from vaccines as a result of the 1976 swine flu fiasco, when the Ford administration attempted to use the infection of soldiers at Fort Dix as a pretext for a mass vaccination of the entire country. Despite acknowledging that the 1976 farce was an example of “how not to handle a flu outbreak”, the article still introduces the notion that officials “may soon have to consider whether to institute draconian measures to combat the disease”.

Fear has become so widespread that Egypt has ordered the slaughter of the country's 300,000 pigs, even though no cases have been reported there. At least this threatened epidemic has provided a source of amusement as it has generated even more ludicrous behavior. Fortunately some respectable journalists recognize this and are seeking to spread a voice of reason to the fear that is being promoted in the majority of the media.

This is NOT the First Swine Flu Panic

My guess is that you can expect to see a lot of panic over this issue in the near future. But the key is to remain calm -- this isn't the first time the public has been warned about swine flu. The last time was in 1976, right before I entered medical school and I remember it very clearly. It resulted in the massive swine flu vaccine campaign.

Do you happen to recall the result of this massive campaign? Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the vaccine. The vaccine was also blamed for 25 deaths. However, several hundred people developed crippling Guillain-Barré Syndrome after they were injected with the swine flu vaccine. Even healthy 20-year-olds ended up as paraplegics.

And the swine flu pandemic itself? It never materialized. More People Died From the Swine Flu Vaccine than Swine Flu!

You can check out for a video by Dr. Ron Paul on the swine flu also!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

5 Great Stretches for Runners

Five Fantastic Stretches for Runners


Scott Stiffey, D.C.

Warm Up and Cool Down: Stretching is important during your warm-up, before you run, because it increases blood flow to the muscles. But stretching during your cool-down may be even more important. "After running, stretching helps to remove lactic acid from the muscle, which in turn reduces muscle soreness," says Stiffey. "That promotes better flexibility." Stretching afterwards also will help you relax.

Don’t Overstretch: While stretching can promote flexibility, stretching too far actually can damage the muscles—particularly if you’re recovering form an injury. "A healthy muscle can elongate up to 1.6 times its length," suggests Stiffey, "but generally doesn’t respond well to that much stretching." By overstretching, you create an automatic reflex that actually will cause the muscle to recoil to protect itself from tearing and injury. Also, don’t bounce while stretching. Holding your stretch in a static position works best.

Use MICE Rather Than RICE: Health professionals frequently promote RICE as one way of treating an injury: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. But Stiffey promotes MICE. "Move it," he says. This is because immobilizing a muscle can lead to decreased blood flow and muscle atrophy. If you stretch properly while recovering from an injury, you can speed that recovery.

Resist Aging: Stiffey believes it a myth that aging is the only factor that causes us to lose flexibility. "It’s lack of exercise," he says. "Studies show that a sedentary lifestyle is a bigger factor in decreasing flexibility than aging." If you stay active aerobically and use stretching to maintain your flexibility, you will look and feel younger because of the way you move.

Finally, the key to the exercises presented below is to maintain good form. Don’t look sloppy stretching. Stiffey’s five fantastic stretching exercises follow.

Hold each stretch for 10 seconds, repeating 10 times.

1. Quadriceps Stretch: The quadriceps is the muscle in the front of the thigh, important for lifting your knees and increasing your speed. It is the "quads" that often go at the end of marathons, causing runners to come shuffling across the finish line because they have a hard time lifting their feet off the ground. To do this exercise while standing, simply grab hold of a stationary object for balance with one hand and use the opposite hand to grasp the leg around the ankle, lifting it toward your buttocks. Stiffey points out several form faults: "You want to keep your back straight and not allow the knee to drift forward ahead of the stance leg. A lot of runners slouch forward, which effectively negates the stretch’s effectiveness."

An even more effective way to do this exercise, however, is lying on a bench, using a towel wrapped around the ankle to pull your foot toward your buttocks. You should position yourself on the edge of the bench with the foot of your dangling leg forward, knee bent, leg relaxed. As with the other stretching exercises, hold each stretch for 10 seconds and repeat as many as 10 times for each leg.

Quadriceps Stretch Positions

2. Hamstring Stretch: Most runners do this exercise by putting their foot on a waist-high stationary object (or a hurdle if at the track) and slowly leaning forward, reaching down the shin until they feel a stretch in the hamstring. The hamstring is the muscle that runs from just below the knee up into the buttocks. It’s the muscle that lifts the lower leg and bends the knee after the quads have lifted your knees. Sprinters pull this muscle more than distance runners, but as I discovered, even straining your hamstring can limit your ability to run fast.

The best way to do this exercise, however, is not with your foot on a stool, but rather while lying on your back. Lie on your back, keeping the back flat and your eyes focused upward. Grasp the back of one thigh with both your hands and (leg bent) pull that thigh into a 90-degree position vs. the floor. Then slowly straighten your knee. After you’ve gotten used to doing this exercise, you can achieve a better stretch by pulling your thigh closer to your chest—but don’t overdo it!

Hamstring Stretch Postions

3. Piriformis Stretch: Lying on your back, cross your legs just as you might while sitting in a chair. Grasping the "under" leg with both hands, pull the knee toward your chest until you feel the stretch in your buttocks and hips.

Piriformis Stretch Position

4. Gastroc Stretch: This push-off exercise is the one you most often see runners doing before races. Typically, they lean against a wall to stretch the calf muscles—but they don’t always do it right, claims Stiffey. The gastroc muscle, along with the soleus, is located in the back of the calf. It is the calf muscle that actually propels your leg across your grounded foot while running. Lean against a wall or other stationary object, both palms against the object. The leg you want to stretch is back, several feet from the wall, your heel firmly positioned on the floor. Your other leg is flexed about halfway between your back leg and the wall. Start with your back straight and gradually lunge forward until you feel the stretch in your calf. "It is important to keep your back foot straight and angled 90 degrees from the wall," says Stiffey.

Gastroc Stretch Position

5. Soleus Stretch: "This is the stretch that most runners forget," says Stiffey. "They stretch their gastroc muscles (as above) without realizing there’s a similar stretch for the soleus." The soleus is the other major muscle in the calf, located in front of the gastroc. It is important for planting the foot on the ground before your push off. Position yourself similar to the gastroc stretch with back straight and palms against the wall. The difference is that you start in a "seated" position with your legs bent, your buttocks dropped. Gently lean into the wall until you feel the stretch in your lower calf.

Soleus Stretch Position

Stretching is important, not only because it will make you a better runner, less likely to get injured, but it can also help you to maintain flexibility to do all the other activities in your life.

If these stretches do not seem to help you condition please feel free to give my office a call for a Free Consultation to discuss any health concerns.

Pro Active Chiropractic Center

219 S. Main St

Palmyra, MO 63461


Monday, September 28, 2009

Treatment for Headaces?

The Surprising Way to Cure a Headache

An estimated 27% of women and 14% of men regularly suffer from severe headaches, including migraine headaches -- and these percentages don’t include the "nuisance" headaches that we all get from time to time. Many people manage their headaches with over-the-counter or prescription drugs. Trap: Medications provide only temporary relief. With continued use, they frequently cause rebound headaches -- the pain returns, sometimes more intensely than before.

Chiropractic care can help. It focuses on spinal adjustment (manipulation). The American Chiropractic Association reports that up to 14% of patients who see a chiropractor cite headaches as a primary concern. The success rate of treating headaches with chiropractic care can be superior in some cases to pharmaceutical management.

Example: A study in Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics looked at 218 headache patients who were treated either with amitriptyline (an antidepressant commonly used for migraine headaches) or with chiropractic manipulation. Initially, the treatments were equally effective, but only patients in the chiropractic group reported continued benefit one month after the treatments stopped.


Headaches often are caused by disorders in the neck and/or upper shoulders. Example: Fixated (or "stuck") joints in the neck can cause muscle tightness that irritates nerves that travel up the back of the head. Relaxing these muscles with chiropractic joint and soft-tissue manipulation can reduce or even eliminate some headaches.

Many patients with headaches also need lifestyle adjustments. Poor sleep is a common cause of headaches. So is dehydration, which can disrupt the normal pressure of cerebrospinal fluid. People who hunch in front of a computer for hours at a time are more likely to get headaches than those who get up and move around regularly.

Chiropractic treatment is safe for the vast majority of people, but a complete history and an examination by a licensed chiropractor always are the first steps. Studies have shown that the risk for serious complications from spinal manipulation is significantly less than the risk for side effects from chronic use of common over-the-counter medications used for neck pain and headache.

Types of headaches and the best treatments...


Cervicogenic headaches originate in the neck, in the vertebrae below the base of the skull. The small muscles that attach to these vertebrae become excessively tight. The tightness can irritate the occipital nerves that radiate upward from the base of the skull. Treatment: The chiropractor restores normal movement by manipulating the cervical vertebrae (neck bones). This relaxes the muscles... reduces irritation of the nerves... and interrupts the transmission of pain signals. Cervicogenic headaches respond better to chiropractic manipulation than most other types of headaches. It is reasonable to start feeling some relief within six to 12 visits.

Also helpful: Don’t sleep on your stomach. You have to turn your head to the side. This greatly increases stress on muscles and vertebrae in the neck.


Some people develop tender points between muscles in the neck and/or shoulders and the fascia -- a thin layer of tissue that wraps around and supports the muscles. Pain spreads to the back of the head causing myofascial headaches. Treatment: Soft-tissue manipulation, in which the chiropractor uses his/her thumbs to gently massage and manipulate the muscles and fascia at specific trigger points -- areas where the pain is most intense. Pressing the trigger points increases circulation and causes the muscles to relax. The patient may initially experience a slight increase in discomfort during treatment, though often the pain ebbs rapidly during or after treatment. Some patients notice a reduction in headache frequency or severity after one treatment, and many improve after three to five treatments.


Chiropractic manipulation of the joints and/or muscles won’t always prevent a migraine headache, but it can relieve migraine pain once it has already started.

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Appraoch to Extremity Conditions

Contact: Dr. Scott Stiffey
Pro Active Chiropractic Center
219 S. Main St
Palmyra, MO 63461


Local Doctor Offers New Focus in Chiropractic Care

September 16, 2009—Dr. Scott Stiffey is introducing new chiropractic techniques that he recently gained in a continuing education seminar on Common Patterns of Postural Abnormalities. Dr. Stiffey received instruction on easy was to recognize hard-to-find postural problems during patient evaluation. The seminar was taught by chiropractor (and former Navy SEAL), Dr. Darwin Griffith who is known for his expertise in the field.

The seminar featured a lecture and hands-on demonstration of functional protocols. The practical nature of the seminar enables doctors to offer these new protocols immediately in their clinics.

Dr. Stiffey welcomes new patients to Pro Active Chiropractic for screenings to determine their chiropractic needs. In addition to the methods from this seminar, his practice offers a variety of therapies for acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions and spinal health.

For more information or to schedule appointments, contact Dr. Scott Stiffey at 573-769-2400, or you can check out their website at

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Secret to Health

This is an excellent article written by a friend and mentor of mine Dr. Tom Morgan.

Chiropractic has more to give America than a solution to the high cost of drugs and surgery. We feel it is the best kept SECRET of HEALTH in the world today. The proof is that chiropractors and their long term patients live their lives without almost no drugs and surgery. Let’s look at this NEW MODEL. This is truly a model of “natural” health care, and a system based on better “health” at lower cost.

The human body is always changing everyday. In fact, every minute of our life tissue cells, organs and parts of our body are changing. THE KEY, TO BETTER HEALTH is couched in the health disciplines each person is involved with, and how dedicated they are when TAKING CHARGE OF THEIR HEALTH. To have the disciplines in place for each one of us THAT HELPS INNATE CHANGE THE BODY FOR THE BETTER EVERYDAY, is the personal and professional goal of chiropractors. Here is what we do.
1. As a chiropractor, I make sure that myself and my family are as subluxation free as possible – through the science of chiropractic.
2. Next, we look at all food we eat – to its value when ingested or consumed. We need to know that organic food stuff is being used by innate to regenerate and build each cell of our bodies to a better position every day.
3. Next, our bodies are made for dynamic exercise each day. Not just the cardiovascular pulmonary (CVP) systems but all the mechanical parts need vigorous exercise everyday.
4. We all know we must get adequate rest or the body runs down and becomes compromised. Its “plasticity” or reaction to its environment becomes less than normal and negative symptoms will develop.
5. And lastly, we must look at our stressors in life. We all know what positive mental attitude and a positive spiritual life can do to change our psychic for the better. We also know how adversely negative psychological activity can cause illness.

THE KEY is to develop these five disciplines. Start NOW to HELP INNATE change yourself for the better everyday. You have heard that health is a journey? Chiropractic proves this postulate to the max. We believe that medical and surgical care is for emergency situations. But on the whole, staying away from synthetic, inorganic drugs and chemicals lessens our chances to develop tumors and cancer; lessens our chances to the multiple side effects from the harmful chemicals, whose side effects fill our hospitals with iatrogenic conditions that are more prevalent today than ever before. If this is true, and we can prove it is; then the natural healing paradigm that chiropractic is responsible for teaching and practicing must be THE NEW HEALTH CARE ASSURANCE program this country if looking for.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tylenol--pretty scary stuff

FDA panel: Lower maximum daily dose of Tylenol
By MATTHEW PERRONE, AP Business Writer Matthew Perrone, Ap Business Writer Tue Jun 30, 6:42 pm ET

ADELPHI, Md. – Government experts called for sweeping safety restrictions Tuesday on the most widely used painkiller, including reducing the maximum dose of Tylenol and eliminating prescription drugs such as Vicodin and Percocet.

The Food and Drug Administration assembled 37 experts to recommend ways to reduce deadly overdoses with acetaminophen, which is the leading cause of liver failure in the U.S. and sends 56,000 people to the emergency room annually. About 200 die each year.

"We're here because there are inadvertent overdoses with this drug that are fatal and this is the one opportunity we have to do something that will have a big impact," said Dr. Judith Kramer of Duke University Medical Center.

But over-the-counter cold medicines — such as Nyquil and Theraflu — that combine other drugs with acetaminophen can stay on the market, the panel said, rejecting a proposal to take them off store shelves.

The FDA is not required to follow the advice of its panels, though it usually does. The agency gave no indication when it would act on the recommendations.

In a series of votes Tuesday, the panel recommended 21-16 to lower the maximum dose of over-the-counter acetaminophen from 4 grams, or eight pills of a medication such as Extra Strength Tylenol. They did not specify how much it should be lowered.

The panel also endorsed limiting the maximum single dose of the drug to 650 milligrams. That would be down from the 1,000-milligram dose, or two tablets of Extra Strength Tylenol.

A majority of panelists also said the 1,000-milligram dose should only be available by prescription.

The industry group that represents Johnson & Johnson, Wyeth and other companies defended the current dosing that appears on over-the-counter products.

"I think it's a very useful dose and one that is needed for treating chronic pain, such as people with chronic osteoarthritis," said Linda Suydam, president of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association.

The experts narrowly ruled that prescription drugs that combine acetaminophen with other painkilling ingredients should be eliminated. They cited FDA data indicating that 60 percent of acetaminophen-related deaths are related to prescription products.

But some on the panel opposed a sweeping withdraw of products that are widely used to control severe, chronic pain. Prescription acetaminophen combination drugs were prescribed 200 million times last year, according to the FDA.

"To make this shift without very clear understanding of the implications on the management of pain would be a huge mistake," said Dr. Robert Kerns of Yale University.

If the drugs stay on the market, they should carry a black box warning, the most serious safety label available, the panel decided.

"If we don't eliminate the combination products we should at least lower the levels of acetaminophen contained in those medicines," said Sandra Kewder, FDA's deputy director for new drugs, summarizing the panel's vote.

Percocet and similar treatments combine acetaminophen with more powerful pain relieving narcotics, such as oxycodone.

If the combination products are eliminated, the acetaminophen and the other ingredients could be prescribed separately. In effect, patients would take two pills instead of one, and be more aware of the acetaminophen they are consuming.

Vicodin is marketed by Abbott Laboratories, while Percocet is marketed by Endo Pharmaceuticals. Both painkillers also are available in cheaper generic versions.

"The panel recommending banning Vicodin and Percocet seems a little draconian," said Les Funtleyder, an analyst for Miller Tabak & Co.

Drug companies avoided the most damaging potential outcome with the defeat of proposal to pull NyQuil and other over-the-counter cold and cough medicines that combine acetaminophen with other drugs.

These drugs can be dangerous when taken with Tylenol or other drugs containing acetaminophen, according to the FDA, but cause only 10 percent of acetaminophen-related deaths.

"I don't think we should be advocating a solution to a problem that really is not there," said Dr. Osemwota Omoigui, of the Los Angeles pain clinic.

A recall of combination cold medicines would have cost manufacturers hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Total sales of all acetaminophen drugs reached $2.6 billion last year, with 80 percent of the market comprised of over-the-counter products, according to IMS Health, a health care analysis firm.

"The acetaminophen people dodged a bullet," said Erik Gordon, a University of Michigan business professor who studies the biomedical industry.

Even with the lower daily dosage recommendation, consumers will likely keep taking as many pills as they think they need to ease their pain, Gordon said.

Analyst Steve Brozak of WBB Securities said the panel votes were a "shot across the bow" of the pharmaceutical industry.

"This basically puts more government oversight into something that heretofore has been less than present," Brozak said.

Check out my website also

Monday, May 11, 2009

Home Remedies

Here is a cool article by MSN.

Word-of-Mouth Cures That Really Work!
By Quick & Simple Staff

It's amazing how many traditional cures actually have evidence to support them, says Francesca J. Fusco, M.D., of Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. Here are seven that have solid research—not just someone's grandma!—behind them.

Zap nail fungus with bleach

Why: "We're not sure why, but there is something in bleach that slows down the growth of nail fungi," says Dr. Fusco.

How: Combine one teaspoon of bleach with one cup of water.

(Note: Always dilute the mixture—applying pure bleach will burn skin.) Then, use a dropper to place this mixture under the affected nail. Repeat twice a day until the infection disappears; this could take up to three weeks.

Prevent blisters on your feet with deodorant

Why: Blisters are caused by skin rubbing against your shoes, and are made worse by sweating. "Deodorant works on your feet just like it does under your arms: It stops sweat glands from producing sweat," says Ranella J. Hirsch, M.D., president of the American Society for Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery.

How: Before heading out, roll deodorant—any kind will do—on your soles.

Soothe burns with tomato

Why: "The tomato contains lycopene, which is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it calms inflamed skin. And the wetness of the tomato juice helps draw some of the liquid out of the burn, reducing swelling," says Dr. Fusco.

How: Slice a large tomato and apply pieces to damaged skin. Leave on for five minutes, then remove, letting the remaining juices fully dry on skin. Once dry, rinse skin with cool water. Repeat twice daily until discomfort ends.

Calm insect bites with aspirin

Why: "Aspirin is made of salicylic acid, a potent anti-inflammatory that can reduce pain and itching," says Dr. Hirsch.

Crush three aspirin and add a few drops of water—enough to make a paste, Dr. Hirsch says. Apply mixture to the bite. Leave on for two minutes, then rinse with cool water. Repeat twice daily until pain and itching stop.

Stop small cuts from bleeding with used tea bags

Why: "The tannic acid in tea has an astringent effect, prompting blood vessels to constrict more quickly, which slows the flow of blood," explains Dr. Fusco.

How: Using light pressure, hold a cool (not warm) tea bag against the cut for one minute. Rinse, then cover with a bandage.

Remove warts with duct tape

Why: Experts at Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, Wash., found this remedy could clear warts in two months. There are a few theories about how it works. One is that duct tape irritates warts, causing an immune system reaction that attacks them. "Another is that the tape removes the virus-laden skin cells," says Anthony Mancini, M.D., professor of dermatology at Northwestern University.

How: Apply a piece of tape that's the same size as the wart and leave on for six days. (If tape falls off, replace ASAP.) Remove tape after the six days and clean area with soap and water; leave tape off overnight. In the morning, reapply tape, keep on for five days and repeat until wart disappears. It may take up to two months, says Dr. Mancini, but it's less painful and less expensive than repeated doctor visits.

Nix dandruff with apple cider vinegar

Why: "The vinegar's acidity reduces the natural pH of the scalp," explains Dr. Fusco. "And this creates an unfriendly environment for yeast that tend to overpopulate the head and cause dandruff."

How: Mix 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar with one quart of water and use as a final rinse after shampooing, twice weekly.

Find More on MSN Health & Fitness:
# What Causes and Eyelid to Twitch?
# Can You Become Immune to Medication?
# Do Power Lines Cause Cancer?
# Search: Amazing Medical Stories


Monday, May 4, 2009

Melt Fat like a Laser Beam

Hey guys, Just a quick note about the weightlifting program that I have been using.

Many patients and friends are always asking me what workouts are good, and what I recommend. I always say to check out Turbulence Training.

I have been using the Turbulence Training workouts for the last year or two, and I can say that these workouts blow away all the others. These workout are designed to get great results fast. Which I don't know about you, but I want to get a good workout, but don't want to spend over an hour doing it. They are also not your boring biceps curl 3 sets of 8 reps, or get on the treadmill for 45 minutes type of workouts. You will have fun and get in tremendous shape. Do yourself a favor and Check them out!

Click Here!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu by Congressman Ron Paul MD

This is an excellent video to show how much misinformation is spread by the media to create a scare. I have also posted this on my website

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First video

This is a fun video to try out

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Research and ADHD

New Research Sheds Light on Chiropractic and ADHD

Recent research reporting on improvement in a 3 ½ year old boy undergoing chiropractic care reveals that chiropractic may play an important role in managing children with ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorders.

Atlanta, GA, March 07, 2009 --( The research, reported in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic, includes a review of the literature supporting the role of chiropractic in children suffering from a number of disorders that share their origin with ADHD.

“Research is revealing that there is a relationship between abnormalities in the spine, the nervous system and brain” stated Dr. Pamela Stone-McCoy, lead author of the paper. “Basic science research shows that the proper development of the brain relies on proper structure and movement of the spine from an early age.”

Research has shown not only that the developing brain relies on normal structural integrity and joint movement, but that complex neurochemical communication and pathways involved in helping humans to “feel good” are tied into spinal biomechanics and their related neurological pathways.

“It makes perfect sense when you think about it” stated Dr. Lisa Przybysz, a co-author on the paper. “We see this shocking increase in the diagnosis of ADHD and other behavioral disorders at the same time that we see a huge increase of sedentary behavior in our children.”

As pointed out in the paper, researchers believe that the increase in the diagnosis of such disorders as ADHD, pervasive developmental disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorder and other neurodevelopmental disorders, have their root in a “perfect storm” of abnormal spinal development coupled with cultural changes.

“Not only does television watching, computer use, computer games and lack of exercise cause an increase in obesity and diabetes in our children” remarked Dr. Matthew McCoy, a chiropractor, public health researcher and editor of the journal that published the study, “These habits are also stunting the development of our children’s brains.”

According to McCoy “Children’s nervous systems need the constant stimulation of movement in order to develop and function properly. Abnormal position or movement of the spinal vertebra can develop and this can lead to nerve interference. It is this interference, called vertebral subluxations, that chiropractors correct.”

The child reported on in the study suffered from a number of health challenges including birth trauma, ear infections, and balance problems. With their child suffering from poor school performance and difficulty interacting with others, the parents sought chiropractic care in order to avoid resorting to medication. After just one month under chiropractic care the child began to improve. His grades and general health improved and he continues to receive chiropractic care on a regular basis. The authors of the study call for more research on the role of chiropractic care in these types of disorders.

Arthritis and Chiropractic Care

Here is a great article that I just came across on the net.

Chiropractic Treatment for Arthritis

One of the most frequently misunderstood conditions among patients is arthritis..Often the word, “arthritis,” inspires images of a future that includes crippled and twisted joints. But, many conditions from benign to severe are listed under the term, arthritis. For our purposes we will restrict this discourse to the most common forms of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis and Chiropractic Care

Osteoarthritis, degenerative arthritis, or degenerative joint disease (DJD) are the terms for the most common form of arthritis, which is also called, spondylosis, if it occurs in the spine. Essentially, the condition is due to the deterioration of the cartilage that lines the joint surfaces, and it is found not only in humans, but also in all mammals. When joint cartilage is injured, the sensitive bone tissue that is usually protected by the cartilage becomes stressed causing degenerative changes in the joint. Occasionally, osteophytes, or bone spurs, can develop when the bone around the joint increases quickly. Bone spurs create painful irritation to other tissues around the joint complicating the already grievous condition.

Usually the areas of the body that develop degenerative joints are in the spine, particularly in the lower neck and lower back, the knees, the hips and the fingers. Everyone may experience DJD at one point in their lives, though previous trauma, ones occupation, activities, weight, diet, and heredity influence the degree of the condition and its onset.

The symptoms of DJD always involve some degree of pain and/or stiffness in the body part involved. As the condition progresses there can be loss of mobility, notably when weight-bearing joints such as hips or knees are implicated. In some cases, if the joint is appreciably worn and the person can no longer walk without severe pain, the joints are surgically replaced with synthetic devices. Of course, one should attempt to manage the condition early on in ones life to avoid the need for surgery.

Prevention is invariably the best option, beginning at an early age.

* Making sure that all injuries to joints are properly treated will help to avoid future problems.
* Shoes with suitable support and shock absorption should be worn by those whose jobs demand extended periods of standing or walking.
* Excess body weight can produce increased stress upon the weight bearing joints of the body.

* Care should be taken to cushion knees from strain and pain when kneeling on hard surfaces.

* Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables as they contain natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for the health of the joints, as well as the rest of the body.

Recent studies have shown that long-term use of the nutritional supplement, Glucosamine, can not only assist with DJD symptoms, but may actually help to rebuild joint cartilage.

Chiropractic adjustments assist in restoring proper mobility and function to the spinal joints. Chiropractic care is not only a smart idea, but extremely effective in relieving the debilitating pain of arthritis. Your Chicago chiropractor is highly trained when it comes to arthritic pain relief. In addition, chiropractic modalities such as joint mobilization, ultrasound, cold laser therapy, massage and electro-therapy may be used to aid in the treatment of painful and stiff joints. Occasionally, a brace is required to support the joint and relieve pain. A chiropractor may suggest exercises such as stretching, yoga, tai chi and other gentle mobilizing activities to help maintain arthritic joints.


Gouty arthritis is generated by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood and the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. Generally, gouty arthritis is characterized by intense pain and swelling of the joints in the big toes, knees, ankles and wrists. A large number of people who develop gout are predisposed through heredity, though episodes are more often than not brought on by binge eating of inflammatory foods, when dehydrated or fasting, or after a major surgery or illness. Certain foods such as red meat (especially organ meat), certain seafood, legumes, and mushrooms include the natural substance, Purines, that are metabolized in the liver to form uric acid. Since individuals with gout cannot properly metabolize uric acid, the buildup in the bloodstream produces joint problems. In addition to the foods specified and additional foods containing Purines, other dietary restrictions need to be followed including the avoidance of alcohol.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease, is systemic in nature and thought to be created by immune system dysfunction. The most common joints affected are the small joints of the hands and fingers, the feet, knees, and shoulder, although other areas of the body can be affected as well. The condition is generally associated with morning stiffness that is aggravated by motion. Other symptoms can involve general malaise and fatigue, and in its more advanced stages other systems of the body may be affected. There are definitive blood tests to help identify Rheumatoid arthritis that can be easily run. Management includes medication and vitamin and diet therapy, as well as chiropractic adjustments. In addition, joint mobilization and modalities such as ultrasound, heat, electro-therapy and massage can help with the pain and stiffness associated the condition. Dr Scott Stiffey is dedicated to assisting people in getting relief from the pain and suffering associated with arthritis.