Saturday, December 19, 2009

Alternatives that Work!


Thanks to new advances in research, treatments once considered “alternative” or “complimentary” are now the treatments of choice in acute and chronic neck, low back pain and headaches. According to the American Academy of Physicians, in a guideline released in 2007, spinal manipulation, exercise, massage, acupuncture, and Yoga are treatments which have been validated by research. These treatments should no longer be considered alternative or complimentary, but should be first line treatment in the battle over painful and disabling low back pain.

According to the RAND Corporation, chiropractic physicians perform 94 percent of all spinal manipulation in the United States. Additionally, patient satisfaction surveys are favorable, and the public is turning towards these non-medical types of treatments in record numbers. If you are tired of suffering low back or neck pain, give our office a call at 573-769-2400. Or visit our website at

NOTE: According to many studies, chiropractic care is safer, costs less, and is more effective than more traditional forms of care. When used in combination with other evidence-based treatment like exercise and acupuncture the potential for relief is greatly enhanced!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Health and Fitness Websites

Alot of patients have been asking me about some good health and fitness websites. Here is a short list of some good ones.

10 Websites To Help You Lose Weight,

Be Healthier And Feel Wonderful In 2010


Tons of great free workout videos – with new videos and advice added all the time.


Free topics include: Lose weight, build muscle, eat healthy, pregnancy fitness, fitness calculators and free newsletters.


General Wellness, Wellness for Women, Wellness for Men, Family & Parenting, Exercise & Fitness, Diet & Nutrition, Relationships & Sex, Environmental Wellness, Personal Development, Pet Wellness


One of the most visited natural health sites on the internet.


Healthy recipes, weight loss, health, beauty.


Effective and fun training for beginners up to professional athletes.


Videos for women interested in having a serious beach body by summer!


Provides information and tips on fitness, health, career, relationships, nutrition, recipes, weight-loss and muscle building.


Tons of free nutrition tools and information.


Fitness video reviews, forums to discuss and meet like-minded people, video exchange.

Enjoy all these great websites and remember to call us at 573-769-2400 get your pre-injury evaluation before you get started working out or picking up the pace!

Of course my site has some good info also--

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Restelss Legs and Cramps

Restless Legs, Cramps, and Fevers

The topic of the month is “Restless Legs and Cramps”. To resolve cramps, restless legs, and fevers you body needs adequate calcium, but taking calcium (especially store-bought, crushed-rock calcium supplements) simply will not do. The reason is simple. Most of the calcium in these supplements is never digested, so less becomes metabolized for use, and still less gets mobilized to where you need it—in your muscles and immune cells.

Calcium absorption first requires the most absorbable calcium. That form of calcium is calcium lactate (from vegetables, not crushed shells or rocks). Second, calcium absorption requires that you have adequate stomach acid. So chronic use of antacids and acid blockers can lead to muscle cramps, and restless legs by interfering with the absorption of calcium. Calcium Lactate contains magnesium citrate, which is acid, thus helping with the acid requirement for proper absorption.

Finally, calcium mobilization requires fatty acids and iodine. Enter Cataplex F, which is a combination of these. It allows the body to mobilize calcium through the blood stream.

The same dose once or twice per day can help kids with fevers.

A dose of 3-6 Calcium Lactate and 3-4 Cataplex F once or twice per day will help greatly with cramps, restless legs, and getting your body to absorb calcium better.

For Restless Legs take 3-4 Doses per day.

Fast, Inexpensive, safe and effective treatment for Restless Legs and cramps!

Pro Active Chiropractic Center
Scott Stiffey, D.C.
219 S. Main St
Palmyra, MO 63461